
Friday, August 31, 2012

Labor (of Love) Day Special Offer

Don't let your heart be heavy that summer is ending. Breathe in and let the cooler air fill you with inspiration to return to the page. (Let's be honest...many of you took the summer "off" from writing.)

Always your muse, I want to nudge you along to start now, so I created a special "Back to School" BOGO Consulting Package. Just purchase 1 to 4 consulting sessions and get one session free. What's the catch? You must purchase your session(s) by Labor Day, September 3, and schedule them before October 31.

Let's get that book done and up on Kindle and Amazon. Please don't let another season fly by with your book still in your head or on your computer.

Make the commitment to get the book done! Purchase your consulting session now, because when Labor Day Weekend is gone, so is this offer. Get all the details here>>

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