
Thursday, May 06, 2010

Social Media Advice from Mom

"I want to hear from you more often."

If I sound like a mom, that's because I am one!  (Here I am with my two fabulous children.) And being both a daughter and a mother, I know how it feels to be on both sides of the question, "Why don't I hear from you more often?"

And, lately that's what you're telling me, too! So, I thought Mother's Day would be a good time to catch up and also offer a special gift to my favorite peeps--YOU! Keep reading for all the details...

Yes, it's been a while since I sent a newsletter. Have you noticed? Or, in the barrage of email that you get every day, are you just glad to have one less thing to delete?

Some of you have contacted me, looking for past issues that you may have missed. Well, the good news is that you haven't missed any back issues. Publishing Success has been on hiatus while I tried to figure out a new format that made sense.

  1. I'm interested in helping you do what I do...use social media to create the community for your book. I'm going on a campaign of total transparency, so you can follow what I do. Use the icons at the top right or the links here to connect with me on TwitterFacebook and LinkedIn.

  2. I often get asked about what's the best way to get published, find an agent and more. I'm going to be answering these questions on my blog, so subscribe to my blog via the RSS feeder (look for the bright orange button, top right)  right now and you won't miss a single tip. BTW, if you want to find out where agents are looking for their next new author, read this>>

  3. If you'd rather move faster and work with me directly, consider joining For Authors Only, a mastermind program forming now.The 2010 program begins in June. This program is for authors at every stage of writing (thinking about it, in the midst of writing, finished manuscript or published book). There are lots of reasons (**bonuses**) to join now and payment plans, too. See all the benefits and incentives (**gifts**) for early registration here>>

  4. Many first-time authors want one-on-one guidance along the path to publication as well as direct feedback and suggestions. If that's you, check out the new Wordy Woman Consulting options. Now there are ways to work with me just once to ask a few questions or get ongoing support with a book project. See if any of these appeal to you>>

I want to stay connected with you. You tell me the best way to do it. Leave a comment below and tell what you think.

P.S. I didn't forget ;-D. And now for my Mother's Day gift to you! Join For Authors Only on or before Mother's Day and get a free 30-minute consultation with me ($175 value). While you're here, check out the Free Stuff page for some special give-aways, too!

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